Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ed Turner Epically Reviews the Great Hitch

Ed Turner runs a wonderful blog:

When I decided to spend way too much time looking into all the religious debates I found myself scrolling through the comments on the old Common Sense Atheism site and agreeing the most with Ed's views on WL Craig debates. I later found out that Ed Turner has appeared a billion times on Unbelievable from 2008 to 2011, one show which I reviewed here particularly shows his ability to hold his own on religious topics against multiple opponents.

Well anyways, Ed Turner has just published three epic posts on his blog detailing 69 different debates featuring the late, great Hitch. This is my first purely outsource post because I concur with Ed on a lot of his statements (sans one thing: Hitch's debate with Al Sharpton is one of his best, hands down). So PLEASE go and check out the following great posts!

Mini-Reviews of a Million Hitch Debates:

The Great

The Good

The Not So Good

Here is a quick 'n dirty list of my favorite Hitch debates, off the top of my head:

Hitch v Sharpton

Hitch/Fry v the Catholic Church

Hitch v Boteach II

Some of the Hitch v D'Souza debates

Hitch v Prager

Hitch v Kushner/Gomes

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